Arctic Warriors

A health boost from Lapland
Lapland’s extreme environment makes it home to some of the world’s most pure and powerful herbs. These arctic superfoods have been used to cure diseases and to boost energy and immunity, but their powers have remained mostly unknown – that is, until Arctic Warriors decided to do something about it.
“In the summer, the herbs are exposed to constant daylight, while the winters here are incredibly harsh and tough – yet the plants survive all of this,” explains Tuija Kauppinen, one of the founders of Arctic Warriors. The traditional knowledge of the benefits of these powerful plants has been backed by research, finding that the northern plants are much more nutritious than their southern counterparts.
Arctic Warriors uses Angelica archangelica, Rhodiola rosea, nettle, spruce sprout, wild blueberries and lingonberries in their products. “We wanted to make it easy for people to reap the benefits of these fantastic plants, so we created 100 per cent natural herb shots and powders in order to get the most from them. The shots and powders can, for example, be mixed into tea, yoghurt, smoothies or ice creams,” suggests Kauppinen.
The products are an all-natural way to help with everything from colds to a lack of energy to stress, and are a great way to get an added nutritional boost to your day, directly from the Arctic. Arctic Warriors has remained local, and its whole production takes places on a small farm in the village of Narkaus near Rovaniemi, Finland. “Our aim has always been to create something sustainable, that uses local knowledge and local products to achieve the most for our customers,” concludes Kauppinen.
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