I’m a sucker for the Christmas season – not necessarily Christmas itself, but the cosiness that envelops the city during Christmas. I love how the nature of business transforms into a kinder version of itself. Stores light up with candles and Christmas lights, we eat saffron buns and plan for gifts. Last Christmas, my husband and I went to my mother-in-law’s, and I remember thinking how happy I felt when I had curled up in a comfy chair with a blanket and was reading a really good book I had found on her bookshelf. 

We always say Christmas is about family, but we still feel obliged to buy superfluous gifts out of guilt or societal pressure, rather than giving a thoughtful, personal gift. This year, I encourage you to spend your money in small independent stores, gift something pre-loved, something you have made yourself, and only gift things that you believe will spark joy in the receiver’s heart.

If someone says they don’t need anything material – gift them with your time instead. Before the year ends, write down one promise to yourself. Forget about going to the gym or losing X amount of weight and focus on something that is important to you. Last year, I promised myself to write more, and I have kept that promise. Thank you for spending these words with me. See you in 2023.

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