ADAMSBRO: Interior decoration riding high

The pillow Blanket Horse is made with thick, soft velvet.
Overnight success isn’t always the case. Unless you happen to be talking about Swedish lifestyle brand ADAMSBRO, that is. For equestrians, horse farmers and horse fanatics alike, ADAMSBRO exploded onto the interior decoration scene in 2017, with a particularly familiar theme.
After a few trips around the fashion industry block, founder Lotta Lindsten was ready to leave it behind and challenge herself with a new business venture. It was a natural step in her career when she, in 2016, decided to swap fashion for home décor, Lindsten explains: “I had been working with fabrics for 35 years at that point and felt I should give this a go,” she says. “I put together a compendium and contacted several suppliers, basing the compendium on a specific concept. There was immediate interest, initially in China, where I was based at the time. I made a sample collection and displayed it at the trade fair Formex in February 2017. I had no product; my aim was simply to show a concept and see if it worked.”
To say that it worked would be an understatement. The trade show resulted in upwards of 30 potential customers, with only a sample collection to offer at that point. “So I just had to put my head down and get on with it,” Lindsten says. “Our brand is aimed towards people who are interested in horses, who are prepared to pay a little extra. We started visiting different horse events and competitions in Europe. We travelled to Holland, Germany, England, France and Dubai. It all went very quickly.”
ADAMSBRO offers quality to the touch and well-thought-out design. The aim is to give a ‘wow’ feeling whenever a customer unpacks a new product from the equestrian-inspired lifestyle brand. “We always strive for perfection,” Lindsten continues. “And we try not to follow trends. The cycle in interior design is a lot longer than in fashion. In other words, it’s not possible to work like that. I get my inspiration solely from horses, the farm, and the colours around horses. I follow my gut feeling on what the consumer would like, and what I like.”
Today, ADAMSBRO can be found all over the world. But why horses? Well, Lindsten happens to live on a horse farm and has been surrounded by horses all her life. And it so happens that Adamsbro is the name of her farm. Sometimes, the best ideas are right in front of you.
Web: Facebook: adamsbroequestrian Instagram: @adamsbroequestrian
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