Briggen Tre Kronor

Protector of the Baltic Sea
Tre Kronor af Stockholm this year celebrates ten years at sea. What started as a mission impossible to build a massive brig in modern times, has turned out to be a great success. The handsome sailing ship is also one of the main protectors of the Baltic Sea.
With Stockholm as its home port, the impressive Tre Kronor sails around the Baltic Sea from May to November, educating the public about both life at sea and environmental issues. The idea to build a majestic wooden ship to grace the port of Stockholm, using traditional methods, was conceived in the early 1990s and, based on complete drawings held in the Navy Museum in Karlskrona, work began in 1997.
At long last, following much highly skilled work, huge enthusiasm and the help of many volunteers, the brig sailed on its maiden voyage around the Baltic Sea in 2008. But not before it was baptised by Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria, who is also the ship’s godmother. “It’s a fantastic honour for us to have the Crown Princess as our protector,” says CEO Anders Mannesten. “In fact, the whole royal family has sailed with us.”
Sustainable Seas initiative
Ten years on, the brig is used for the education of new sailors and for sharing information about the Baltic Sea. Every year, it sails to five or six countries and some 20 to 25 cities, where it also functions as an exhibition space, a large container greeting it in every port. “We address municipalities along the route and bring our ship and exhibition to them, where they can highlight their own environmental agenda,” Mannesten explains. “By doing this, we help spread the message in the region.” He adds that collaborating with the Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University adds legitimacy to the activities.
Tre Kronor is also part of the Sustainable Seas initiative, which also has the support of Crown Princess Victoria. Working towards the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea, it includes an annual seminar broadcast on television. “By working together with scientists, politicians and businesses, we find new ways of making an impact,” Mannesten says. “For instance, we have just hosted performances during the week-long Skärgårdsturnén (the archipelago tour), with famous musicians such as Tina Ahlin and Lill Lindfors. It’s a fantastic opportunity to also involve culture in our work.”
Last year, the Tre Kronor took part in the famous Tall Ships Races and won not only its class, but also one leg in the overall race, proving that it has a very competent crew. It is also possible to rent the fantastic Tre Kronor or join scheduled lunch and evening cruises around the Baltic Sea.
“Welcome onboard, sail for the Baltic Sea!”
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