Business Calendar – April/May 2020
Text: Jo Iivonen | Photo: Pexels

Scandinavian business events you do not want to miss this month
DevOps 2020 (21-23 April)
Although public events in Finland, like elsewhere, have been put on hold due to government regulations over the Covid-19 crisis, this three-day Helsinki tech conference is going ahead – just as an online-only event. The organiser’s decision to convert the event into a virtual format at short notice highlights the innovation that also underpins this year’s theme: matters of cloud, data and security within the software industry are the focal point of DevOps 2020.
Nordic Media Days 2020 (6-8 May)
The Nordic region’s largest media conference is scheduled to take place on the heels of the worldwide health crisis that has highlighted the need for open communication and impartial reporting – all founding principles of any publication, but how well are the guidelines being adhered to and what can be learnt from the past few months? The events of recent months will no doubt feature high on the agenda – including the role of the media in times of global uncertainty. Grieghallen, Edvard Griegs plass 1, 5015 Bergen, Norway.
Nordic Game 2020 (27-29 May)
As the region’s leading event dedicated to the Nordic gaming sector, this annual conference gathers together developers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This year, the conference will be held in two parts: in addition to the raft of speakers lined up to explore business, emotion and knowledge at the May edition, a follow-up is scheduled for November 25-27. Slaghuset, Carlsgatan 12E, 211 20 Malmö, Sweden.
BNCC Summer BBQ (23 June)
By late June, Nordic natives tend to flock en masse to the summer cottages scattered around the lakes, forests and seaside up north. This informal event, organised by the British-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, offers a taster of Nordic Midsummer celebrations in the middle of London. In addition to barbeque treats and a prize raffle, expect plenty of networking opportunities with the capital’s Norwegian business community. St. Olav’s Square, 12 Albion St, Rotherhithe, SE16 7LN London, UK.
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