Cosmo Clinic: A modern, high-end clinic of expertise

Cosmo Clinic is a cutting-edge plastic surgery clinic located in Oslo, emphasising a natural result achieved in a safe and comfortable environment. Here, in top-modern premises with the latest equipment available on the market, a staff of hand-picked plastic surgeons and cosmetic nurses offer the most advanced treatments within facial and breast surgeries, along with a full range of other cosmetic procedures.
Cosmo Clinic offers plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments at a top-quality, international level. The clinic is known for its high patient-satisfaction levels and is highly recognised. “We are one of the largest plastic surgery clinics in Norway, and the reason for that is our impressive team – we have some of the country’s best plastic surgeons,” says Dr. Tomm K. Bjærke, chief plastic surgeon at Cosmo Clinic.
Considered one of the foremost facial surgeons in Norway, Bjærke has been working as a plastic surgeon for 20 years. After extensive experience from both Rikshospitalet and Colosseumklinikken, he decided to found Cosmo Clinic in 2016. “My vision was to start a clinic of expertise with the best plastic surgeons in Norway. Together with doctors Hilde Bjærke, Thomas Berg and Tormod S. Westvik, I am confident that this vision has been realised,” he says.
The importance of the personal aspect
The clinic, which today spans over 850 square metres and is located on the top floor of a building in Nydalen, has since grown to become one of the leading plastic surgery clinics in the country. The surgery is equipped with the latest and most modern equipment on the market, but Bjærke believes that the most important factor in its popularity – besides the skilled surgeons – is the personal touch given to each patient. “The personal aspect is important to us. Everyone working here has a positive attitude, and we focus strongly on our patients’ wellbeing in a welcoming and safe environment,” he explains.
Every patient receives a thorough assessment, with ample time to discuss all available options with one of the top-notch surgeons. “We make sure that it’s an honest assessment with realistic expectations so that the patient can be sure this is the right step to take. Most often, people have already been thinking about this for many years,” says Bjærke. At Cosmo Clinic, every patient undergoing treatment gets direct access to their surgeon or cosmetic nurse, to assure optimal follow-up.
Focus on a natural result
With the aim to achieve a natural result, the clinic prefers using the latest surgical methods to minimise discomfort and get the best possible result with the shortest possible downtime. “I often tell my facelift patients that they should be able to walk down the street after two weeks, looking like a rejuvenated version of themselves,” says Bjærke. “Our philosophy is that results should look natural, not artificial, regardless of which procedure the patient has done. Based on each patient’s specific needs, we utilise different scar placements and lengths, minimally invasive techniques, laser, and so on, to achieve these natural results.”
When it comes to breast enlargement, Cosmo Clinic focuses on offering the latest, safest and best implants with adjunctive techniques to give a natural look and feel. Recently, the clinic extended its breast enlargement warranty to six years from the time of the operation, and now offers Norway’s most comprehensive warranty for breast implants.
First in Norway with 20-year age limit
With a wish to reduce the increased body pressure in today’s society, especially on young girls, Cosmo Clinic introduced a 20-year age limit on all of its cosmetic treatments and procedures in 2018. It was the first and is still the only clinic in Norway to do so. “Many of the patients who are under 20 can be quite immature and want to change their body based on the ideals they see around them, with unrealistic expectations. Young people can be quite vulnerable and may have trouble making the right choices, and because of that, we wanted to raise the limit from 18 years to 20,” Bjærke explains.
A team of plastic surgeons with specialised expertise
At Cosmo Clinic, you’ll find a selection of hand-picked plastic surgeons and cosmetic nurses with specialised expertise. They have many years of experience and want to give you the best possible result. “What sets us apart from other clinics is that our surgeons are highly specialised in one particular area, instead of working across all different fields,” he says. All of these plastic surgeons are members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
Dr. Hilde Bjærke is a board certified plastic surgeon, specialised in facial plastic surgery. She was trained at Rikshospitalet, Oslo, specialising in advanced microsurgical facial reconstructions. At Cosmo Clinic, she is the facial expert, performing advanced facial procedures like facelifts and necklifts, endoscopic forehead lifts, upper and lower blepharoplasty, laser treatments, and chin implants. Bjærke’s broad experience in facial surgery makes her a trusted name in Norway, and she has been interviewed about facial plastic surgery several times on national TV.
Dr. Thomas Berg is a board certified plastic surgeon, trained at the University clinic in Uppsala, Sweden. He has been working both in Uppsala and at Rikshospitalet in Oslo for more than ten years. After many years performing advanced microsurgical facial and breast reconstructions, he is considered one of the most sought-after, leading plastic surgeons in Norway. He is Cosmo Clinic’s expert in breast and body contouring procedures, having performed several thousand breast and body procedures. In addition to breast surgery, he performs abdominoplasties, liposuctions, body-contouring surgeries and Brazilian bum lifts (BBL) at Cosmo Clinic.
Dr. Tormod Westvik is the rhinoplasty expert at Cosmo Clinic. He was trained at Yale and Harvard Universities in the US, and is board certified in both the US and Norway. He was part of the first US full-face transplant team. Since returning to Norway, he has been chief of plastic surgery at Telemark Hospital. His vast experience, with over 3,000 procedures, covers microsurgery, facial trauma, hand surgery and surgeries of the face and body. His professional network spans both the US and Europe, and he is an active member of ASPS. Each year, he is an invited instructor at the prestigious Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium. Westvik has performed several hundred rhinoplasties, both in the US and in Norway. Based on this expertise, he performs all rhinoplasties at Cosmo Clinic.
Dr. Tomm Bjærke is a board certified plastic surgeon and founder of Cosmo Clinic. He was trained at Rikshospitalet and worked at Colosseumklinikken from 2004 to 2016. Bjærke is one of Norway’s most experienced cosmetic plastic surgeons, having performed thousands of procedures both at Colosseumklinikken and now at Cosmo Clinic. He is especially well known for his forehead- and facelifts, through his experience with more than 1,500 facial procedures, as well as more than 3,000 breast augmentations. At Cosmo Clinic, Bjærke performs all kinds of plastic surgery, with a special focus on facial and breast surgery.
Procedures offered at Cosmo Clinic:
Breast enlargement, facelift, eyelid surgery, nasal surgery, forehead lift, laser treatment, wrinkle treatment, breast reduction, breast lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, reducing pouches under the eyes, Bell’s Palsy treatment, bum enlargement, breast reconstruction, lip enlargement, fillers and Dermapen.
Facebook: cosmoclinicoslo
Instagram: @cosmoclinicoslo
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