Galleri Würth

Galleri Würth – the international, personal gallery
Comprised of more than 18,000 individual pieces, Sammlung Würth is one of the world’s most impressive private collections of art. In Nittedal, just outside of Oslo, part of this collection is available at the esteemed Galleri Würth – offering a dynamic experience for every art lover.
“Sammlung Würth is a private art collection owned by Reinhold Würth, a collection he wishes to share with the world. We’re proud to be able to offer part of the collection here in our gallery,” says gallery director Anne-Birte Rasmussen Snilsberg, adding: “The collection has been built and added to since the 1960s, so it’s highly dynamic and comprises different types of art – from paintings and prints to sculptures and etchings.”
The gallery, which is admission-free and open to the public Sundays through Thursdays, offers two different exhibitions each year and has something to offer everyone. The gallery is one of 14 locations where Sammlung Würth can be viewed and experienced.
Artists represented at the gallery range from Munch and Picasso to Anselm Kiefer, the latter currently represented in the exhibition entitled Tilbake til maleriet (Back to painting), asserting the gallery’s German connection. “It’s a powerful exhibition which makes a point out of challenging your perceptions. It centres on politics and history expressed through the art form of painting,” says Rasmussen Snilsberg.
In addition to celebrated artists and thought-provoking oeuvres, the gallery offers events and activities for all ages, where one may engage with the stunning gallery grounds in new, innovative ways. “There are opera nights and wine tastings,” Rasmussen Snilsberg says. “We offer Christmas arts and crafts workshops for kids, and host several events throughout the year that are open to everyone. We encourage prospective visitors to sign up to our newsletter so as not to miss out,” she adds, mentioning that the gallery also provides spaces for meetings and conferences.
You may also book a private tour of the gallery and its exhibition, or plan a visit for the 1pm public tour on Sundays. “The exhibitions all hold a high, international standard. At the same time, the fact that the gallery houses a private collection gives the space a personal touch,” she concludes.
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