Granö Beckasin: An Eco Premium destination with community at heart
By Nina Bressler | Photos: Bea Holmberg

The Birds Nest (Fågelnästen) are premium hotel rooms located in the treetops with magnificent view.
In the village of Granö, northern Sweden, an unusual destination for nature- and culture has emerged, attracting visitors from all over the world.
“Granö Beckasin is as much an idea as a place to visit. We’re here to contribute to sustainable development in our local area, while, at the same time, creating memories for life for our visitors,” says Annika Rydman, CEO.
Granö is located an hour away from Umeå, the university town of Västerbotten, Sweden. During the last decade, a lot has happened. However, at the same time, much looks just like did before the team behind Granö Beckasin started their venture : the creation of a meeting place for people all over the world. Things began when the school was about to shut down. Along with the school staff, some parents decided to create a savings proposal which they presented to politicians, leading to the school being saved. But things didn’t stop there.

Granö Beckasin is located right next to Umeälven, the Ume River.
”We realised that for this village to develop and not end up as yet another group of empty houses, we needed to create something special,” says Rydman. Urbanisation and the strong growth within the hospitality industry gave birth to the idea of giving nature tourism a go. A local financial backer believed in the idea, and in 2010 Granö Beckasin took over the small camping site in the village. Ever since, the business has continued to evolve step by step. Today, there are six Fågelnästen hotel rooms high up in the treetops, nine hotel cabins, and one eco-hotel. Local food is served in the restaurant and there are a number of nature activities to choose from. ”We want to be a hub for entrepreneurship. That’s why we work with local businesses as much as possible: local builders, produce, local hospitality distributors and so on. Along with our growth, many more companies have formed as a result: a dog sledding company, two bakeries and a cider factory.”
”From the beginning our vision was clear: we would never do anything at the cost of the people, animals or nature here. We are Eco Premium. What we do is genuine, sustainable, made with longevity and from the heart, for the future of our village and for our guests. We provide an unforgettable experience in tune with nature, regardless of the season,” Rydman concludes.
Web: Instagram: @granobeckasin
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