After hearing the story of High Coast Whisky, you could say they clearly think outside of the box. The fact is, High Coast Whisky is produced in an old factory named Box, which made boxes for export in the 19th century. Who would have guessed that ‘out of the box’ would take on a literal meaning for the High Coast distillery, over a century later?

High Coast Whisky lies on the 63rd parallel, by the river Ångermanälven. This impacts the whisky’s characteristics: “Our warehouses aren’t tempered, which means there is a 60-degree temperature difference from summer to winter,” says Henrik Persson, CEO at High Coast Whisky. “This is good for maturing the spirit, as it expands in the heat, and shrinks in the cold, without affecting the barrel.” Furthermore, the river supplies ice-cold water for cooling, helping to preserve the elegant character imparted by the pot stills.

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High Coast Whisky is named after the magical surroundings at Höga Kusten – the Swedish for High Coast. Visitors at the distillery arrive as observers, and leave as ‘lifelong fans’, according to Persson. “With the name High Coast Whisky, we want to convey the mountains and valleys, the winding rivers and wide-open planes that characterise Höga Kusten,” he explains.

When it comes to taste, High Coast Whisky uses the term ‘drinkability’. According to Persson, a whisky with good drinkability is suited to the connoisseur as well as the novice. “This is our intention. Drinkability describes our flavour ambitions – to be drinkable and enjoyable for many. We use the local conditions at Höga Kusten to create exquisite and exciting single malt whisky for connoisseurs of life all over the globe,” he says.

Hotel Ilulissat: A luxury city trip to Greenland’s wild and beautiful west coast

For those of you looking for an exceptional Swedish single malt, High Coast Whisky offers a range of mythical-sounding flavours in its famed Origins range: Älv, Berg, Hav and Timmer. The names are inspired by the surroundings at Höga Kusten, and each spirit has different characteristics: smoked, unsmoked and spicy. “If you’re after something out of the ordinary, or more exclusive, we offer so-called Specialties,” Persson adds. “These have unique stories, alternative production-processes and other twists.”

Persson is particularly proud of their Berg whisky, which made the finals in the Single Malt World Cup after a series of blind tastings. “In the finals, Berg won in the class of sherry cask-aged whisky,” he says. “It proves that High Coast Whisky has grown from being a promising distillery, to delivering world-class whisky products.”

Hotel Ilulissat: A luxury city trip to Greenland’s wild and beautiful west coast

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Facebook: highcoasttdistillery

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