Holzmaier does not simply create products, it crafts environments and experiences. Well-being and people are priorities and the cornerstone of which all kitchens and furniture are crafted. Its bespoke kitchens and furniture will connect you to the people you love and create memories that last a lifetime.

The kitchen is the heart of the home. Whether you enjoy cooking for friends and family, entertaining, or savouring a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning, the kitchen is where everything begins. Holzmaier specialises in bespoke kitchens and furniture that reflect you as a person and your values – because home is not just somewhere we live, it reflects who we are.

Holzmaier: Warm, sophisticated, Nordic furniture with a human touch

“The furniture itself is not so important, how it makes you feel is what truly matters,” says Kaspar Loit, co-founder of Holzmaier. “Our collaboration with our customers is a bit unusual. We ask them who they want to be. The home is a reflection of you.” He continues; “I think Covid-19 changed a lot for people. Before, everyone worked in offices and their homes looked like something from a magazine. Beautiful, but no real connection. Now, people work from home and spend most of their time there, so they want it to feel homely. We want to create homes that are so nice, we don’t want to leave.”

Holzmaier: Warm, sophisticated, Nordic furniture with a human touch

Restless souls with an affection for design

The story of our life unfolds between the walls of our home. Just like the weather, the atmosphere of our home has a profound effect on how we rest, think, feel, work, eat, and socialise. “Space and objects certainly have to be functional, but if they are to truly serve us, they must also speak to our bodies and emotions,” says Loit. “For us, good design transcends utility and aesthetics to a sensual and social exercise, to create a framework for essential human needs of safety, identity, belonging, and purpose.”

Holzmaier: Warm, sophisticated, Nordic furniture with a human touch

Holzmaier understands that a home is more than a mere collection of our things – it’s a reflection of the people who live there. This is why crafting solutions uniquely tailored to each individual customer is essential. “We want to create furniture that enriches our customer’s home experiences and makes it easier to enjoy daily life. Furniture that connects you with the people you love and create memories that last a lifetime and connect generations,” smiles Loit.

While each and every kitchen is uniquely designed and crafted by Holzmaier to suit the individual client, you will be able to tell a Holzmaier kitchen miles away. Its designs have an understated elegance and sophistication combined with warm minimalism and plenty of natural light. It is the créme de la créme of furniture, the perfect balance between extremes because that is how we get the most out of life and the spaces we live, eat, work, and play in.

Holzmaier: Warm, sophisticated, Nordic furniture with a human touch

Timeless designs built to last

Humans and nature are the measure of everything Holzmaier does. Naturally, this also means that the Estonian brand has thought about sustainability, but perhaps not in the way you expect. “We look at sustainability from a different angle. Instead of focusing primarily on eco-friendly, natural materials, we look to craft something that lasts and can create a positive impact for future generations,” explains Loit. “We create timeless designs that will last decades. Even if we live in the now, we also consider the future.”

Holzmaier uses high-quality materials that will last decades, but also considers the aesthetics of its designs, and will not always let customers go for a material they think that they want. “You should be able to live with your furniture for 15-20 years or longer, it needs to last in your home. We also look at the customer and consider what material they are ready for. Solid wood looks beautiful, but it requires a lot of care. It’s not always best to go fully natural,” explains Loit. “You really have to understand your customer, so that you craft furniture that will last them years.”

Holzmaier has a beautiful showroom in Tallinn, where you can experience its kitchens yourself.

Holzmaier: Warm, sophisticated, Nordic furniture with a human touch

Web: www.holzmaier.ee
Facebook: Holzmaier
Instagram: @holzmaier.ee

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