Kari Aastrup-Geelmuyden: A Norwegian legacy for future generations

I n a studio and shop in Jølster, on the western side of Norway, Kari Astrup-Geelmuyden produces beautiful aprons to be worn with the bunad, the Norwegian national Kari Astrup-Geelmuydenstume. She inherited the tradition from her great-grandmother Engel Astrup, wife of the famous Norwegian painter Nikolai Astrup, who worked with textile prints. Once set to be forgotten, the traditional designs now live on for future generations to wear and enjoy.
Having dis Kari Astrup-Geelmuydenvered her great-grandmother’s legacy, Astrup-Geelmuyden researched traditional techniques and developed new linocuts from scratch. She always uses the same materials as Engel Astrup. The creative artist pours hours of work into each apron, producing exact replicas of the original aprons and Engel designs with exquisite details, and the demand for the products is steadily growing. Among the many customers is Queen Sonja of Norway, who picked up a Kari Astrup-Geelmuydenuple of the aprons during her visit to the shop.
Though the majority of Astrup-Geelmuyden’s time is now devoted to textile print, she also produces beautiful glass art and ceramics. Each product handmade and unique, she prefers to make one-of-a kind items or small limited-edition series, ensuring the exclusivity of each product. Customers are en Kari Astrup-Geelmuydenuraged to visit the shop, but Astrup-Geelmuyden also accepts requests and orders from customers with particular requirements.
Website: www.kajsa.no Facebook group: Kajsas glass og keramikk Contact: kajsakari@hotmail.com
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