Lindesnes Brygghus

“It immediately took off,” recalls Lemaitre, who explains that a few people were sceptical of the launch of a brewery in what is known as the Bible Belt of Norway. “It’s been completely unproblematic, and our new IPA is actually called Bibelbeltet IPA [‘the Bible Belt IPA’], as a reference,” he smiles, adding that the name was a slightly bold move. In 2012, Lemaitre started out with a lager, a pale ale and a porter – and now, he brews 12 to 14 different beers ranging in strength and flavour profiles. Their most popular beer is currently Havets Øl (‘Beer of the Sea’), which is brewed like a pale ale but with the addition of red algae, or seaweed, in the brewing process. “The algae provide an amazing colour and a great taste.”
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