In an everchanging world of technology, social media, loud sounds and glaring sights, it can be hard to not feel stressed or overstimulated. With the capacity to restore our brains and regain focus, Muzziball is an inclusive solution developed using the latest research within neuroscience and music therapy.

As technology continues to advance, we find ourselves pulled further and further into the digital space. It can be hard to escape this, especially for young children who have never experienced a phone-free world. Amidst this, many parents find it easier to just accept the new world where screens heavily involve children’s playtime, but there is an alternative.

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Nathalie Wiberg

“Muzziball is a plug-and-play, user-operated health tech sensory ball that produces personalised, interactive light and audio experiences for people of all ages,” explains Ingerine Dahl, CEO of Muzziball. “Activated by movement and operated through our user-friendly app, which offers a variety of programmes tailored to different needs and preferences, the ball encourages people to want to move, play, and use their senses in a positive way.”

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Muzziball

Developed using the latest neuroscientific and music-therapy research, Muzziball is a revolutionary option for phone and tablet screens, and stimulates the cognitive, tactile, audio, visual and physical senses. It’s activated by movement, and its many tailored programmes and potential for content upgrades means that it remains an exciting device long-term.

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Muzziball

“Muzziball can be used in different forms of treatment, from being an efficient communication aid for non-verbal users to aiding joint positive activity,” says Dahl. “Furthermore, as sound, movement and light are powerful tools in reducing pain and anxiety, it can also be used as a tool of mindfulness and meditation using vibrations of the audio experiences.”

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Nathalie Wiberg

From sound therapy and dementia choir practice to cognitive and physical stimulation during playtime, Muzziball’s uses and benefits are vast. Its invention is a testament to how science and technology can come together to do good, offering a unique solution to parents, educators and therapists who seek to support both children and adults in their continuous learning and neurological development.

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Nathalie Wiberg

Muzziball: Where neuroscience and development meet playtime

Photo: Nathalie Wiberg

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Instagram: @muzziball

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