Noy Rd. Humble textiles for the home
By Emma Rodin | Photos: Noy Rd.

Over time, what started as an experiment has become something much greater. Today, Noy Rd. has grown in quality and purpose into a trusted provider of timeless handmade textiles. But they offer more than just long-lasting designs.
Noy Rd.’s identity is a reflection of its name, inspired by Laotian and translated as ‘small road’. But the idea behind the brand might more accurately be described as a ‘narrow path’, as founder Lina Eriksson started with a simple wish to do something different – something good.
“I was working as a photographer in advertising and, although I loved shooting, I also had a passion for textiles. I wanted to create something around this but was not sure where to start or even what route I wanted to take,” she says.
The penny dropped while visiting friends in Laos. Eriksson was introduced to a female cooperative where craftsmanship came as a standard. “I realised I could work with these women to not only create something beautiful, but something with a bigger purpose,” she explains.

Lina Eriksson.
Naturally natural
Noy Rd. textiles are not only designed with a timeless, clean look, they are also clean on the inside, from production to aftercare. The truth is, because they are handmade on such a small scale, there simply isn’t room for expensive pesticides and toxins which could poison both land and people. Additionally, no unnatural colourings are applied and organic oils are used instead of anti-mould sprays.
The Noy Rd. collection includes cushion covers, rugs, towels and many other textile essentials for the home. Kind to skin and made to last, these classic designs are deliberately timeless and do not take current trends into consideration. “I like to think that people who purchase these products appreciate and respect the hard work that has gone into each piece, and that they will make the textiles part of their homes for a long time, because that is what they are made for,” says Eriksson.
In a world where we need to consume less, being mindful with your purchases, such as home textiles, is a good way to make a difference.
Caring for people and planet
The key to Noy Rd. products is sustainability, not just in terms of production, but also in terms of the makers themselves, their wellbeing and their families. Eriksson works exclusively with small producers, often found via cooperatives and word of mouth, around southeast Asia.
So, how does the partnership work? Depending on the product Eriksson needs produced, such as a blanket or kitchen towel, she finds a person with a matching skillset. They will then craft the product, often in their own homes, using traditional techniques applied to Eriksson’s designs. “This is beneficial in two ways. One is that the craftsmanship itself gives weight to the product and keeps tradition alive. The other is that these women can develop their skills and use these for future projects that in turn will support their wellbeing,” she explains.
Another good thing about working with cooperatives is that the members and their families get access to healthcare and education – two things that should never be taken for granted. The cooperatives also help to educate women and develop their abilities, to help secure work and act as a safety net for the future.
Small but mighty
Being a small brand does not exclude big developments. Eriksson has recently produced a new set of Indian bedding which has caught the eye of an interior designer looking to showcase these within her work. “Relying on sunshine and collected rainwater, this bedding has no carbon footprint, something I am very proud to have achieved,” says Eriksson.
It might seem tempting for a successful brand like Noy Rd. to grow bigger and supply more. But this does not square with Eriksson’s approach. “Because I work with small suppliers who are often one-man-bands, there are simply not enough hands or time to grow the business while staying true to its core values,” explains Eriksson. After all, part of the charm is the small production and following the ‘noy’ road.
Web: Instagram: @noyroad
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