Racing Factory: Racing your colleagues
Text: Josefine Older Steffensen | Photos © Racing Factory

Steering a car may not seem difficult, but when the car turns right as you turn the steering wheel left, it can become quite tricky. It takes concentration and, most importantly, teamwork. At Racing Factory, 45 minutes from Copenhagen, they create a tailor-made day of team-building through racing cars.
“It’s a really fun way for people to work together and just see each other in a different environment,” explains Ronnie Bremer, owner of Racing Factory and Denmark’s most victorious racing car driver. “It’s suitable for everyone, young or old. The only requirement is that the person driving has to have or have had a driving licence.”
Racing Factory has been used by a huge variety of companies and organisations, from dentists to lawyers, and has become an annual competition for some teams. The professional instructors make the day easy and comfortable and introduce the cars and races, while also giving some tips and hints on how to work together.
Driving smart
The cars have been modified to encourage teamwork. Some of the cars turn left when the steering wheel is turned right, while the pedals in others have been moved to the passenger side, with the steering wheel left with the driver. “The modifications mean that the two people in the car are forced to work together and to communicate with each other,” says Bremer. “The cars also create an adrenaline-filled environment, which puts people under pressure all while they’re part of a competition. It’s therefore a great chance for managers to see how different people perform under pressure, and which people work well together. Often, people who don’t usually work together during a normal day in the office find that they make a good team.”
There are management consultants on hand throughout the day to ensure that the company gets the most out of the day, by drawing on their array of practical and theoretical knowledge. They also help to create the programme for the day, based on the specific needs of each company.
A tailor-made day
No day at Racing Factory is the same. Every event is tailor-made to the company and its needs, ensuring that the most is made of the day. At least ten and up to 120 people can enjoy a day of racing, with Bremer making it easy to meet all needs. “The surroundings are perfect for these kinds of events,” he says. “We sometimes have companies who want to bring in a speaker before the racing starts, while others want food and drinks, as well. We’re based right next to Saltoftehus, a conference centre with all the facilities you could want, and we work with them to provide endless opportunities for our clients.”
Before getting in the cars, everyone is split into teams of two, a partnership that continues throughout the day. Four cars are allowed on the course at the same time, but it is possible for spectators to watch the whole course. “The starts of the races are always fun. The races are quite quick, and we don’t have a finale; instead, each race counts, and the pair with the most amount of points at the end win.”
Something for everyone
Outside of the modified cars, there are also racing cars where it is all about getting the quickest time around the track while responding to both the car and the track. Racing Factory also offers car football, where the modified cars can be used.
“We promise that everyone has a role to play during the day. If you’re not sure about driving a car, you can be the co-driver, and as others are racing it’s always a good idea to look at the other racers and learn from them as well. We often have people saying that their day with us is something people talk about for months after. It’s a bit different, and just a really good day out,” says Bremer.
For private individuals wanting to try driving around a track, Racing Factory does five events a year where it is possible to feel the adrenaline rush through your body on the starting line. “The best thing is that people often see the cars and don’t expect a lot, but inevitably end up being pleasantly surprised by just how fun it is!” the owner enthuses.
Racing Factory is a great and different way to team-build and encourage cooperation, ultimately creating a day that all employees are bound to enjoy.
Web: Facebook: Instagram: @teamracingfactory Contact information: Email: Tel: +45 27 111 222 Address: Saltoftevej 7, 4470 Svebølle, Denmark
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