Scandinavian Culture Calendar: May 2023
By Hanna Heiskanen

Where to go, what to see? It’s all happening here!
Copenhagen International Dance Festival (until 8 June)
Over the course of the spring, this festival is taking over the city for site-specific performances of contemporary dance in, among other places, assisted living facilities and schools. All outdoor performances are free of charge and open to everyone. You can also chat to choreographers and dancers by booking a ‘meet the artist’ session. Options include ballet star Charlotte Khader and Greek choreographer Toula Limnaios.
Venues around Copenhagen
Kristina Gjems’ Your Shadow (3 to 10 June)
Wherever you go, your shadow will follow; that’s the premise of Kristina Gjems’ contemporary dance piece, developed together with Loan Ha. Their collaboration goes back a decade, but this is their first duet. Gjems trained at the London School of Contemporary Dance and also teaches tai chi.
Performances at two locations in Oslo

Kristina Gjems: Your Shadow. Photo: Martin Myrvold
Generation 2023 (until 20 August)
What’s on the mind of young artists today? Attempting to answer this question is Amos Rex, one of those rare contemporary art museums popular to the point of queues building up outside. It’s well worth the hype, even if only for the cool underground premises. Generation 2023 sees 50 artists exploring issues such as mental health, gender and digitisation across image, sound, animation and more.
Mannerheimintie 22–24, Helsinki

Antti Järvelä at Amos Rex. Photo: Aleksi Poutanen / Amos Rex
Jörn Donner – Travelling 1951–68 (until 3 September)
Jörn Donner (1933-2020) had a colourful life but also a very productive career as a writer, director, politician and one of Finland’s most controversial cultural figures. It turns out that he dabbled with travel photography too, and you can now see the results for yourself in an exhibition at the Hakasalmi Villa in central Helsinki. It’s a journey around the world, but also back in time.
Mannerheimintie 13b, Helsinki

Jörn Donner: Cape Town, South Africa in 1968. Photo: Jörn Donner / Donner Productions
Stockholm: European Capital of Gastronomy 2023
Stockholm is the European Capital of Gastronomy this year, which means there’s never been a better time to sample the city’s famous culinary delights, whether you prefer asparagus or ice cream, natural wine or, dare we say it, liquorice. You can experience last year’s actual Nobel gala menu at the restaurant Stadshuskällaren, take part in a wild plant walk, or learn about the art of tablescaping. We’ll go for seconds (or thirds).
Venues around Stockholm

Stockholm is the European Capital of Gastronomy 2023. Photo: Lena Granefelt
A World of Games (until 18 August 2024)
If you occasionally bemoan the gaming-crazy youth in your life, we don’t blame you. But did you know that the interest in games stretches back millennia and spans several continents? Familiarise yourself with the fascinating history of games in Gothenburg’s Museum of World Culture, where you can also take part in events. How about trying your hand at designing a board game? The dice is thrown…
Södra vägen 54, Gothenburg
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