Sommerland Sjælland: Summer fun for the family
Text: Josefine Older Steffensen | Photos © Sommerland Sjælland
In Northern Zealand, just an hour’s drive from Copenhagen and a 75-minute ferry ride from Aarhus, is an amusement park that was established and is run by a family, for families. Sommerland Sjælland provides a full day out where the whole family – whether or not they are all there in person – can join in.
Sommerland Sjælland is home to over 70 activities including an outdoor waterpark, a jungle gym, rollercoasters and fishing. “Our park is built for families and for kids up to the age of 13. With lots of things to do, we often have people who come back because they haven’t managed to fit it all in in a day,” says Kåre Dyvkær, owner of Sommerland Sjælland.
Via their app, parents and grandparents both near and far are able to play along, as they can control water cannons and surprise those in attendance with air, water, smoke and fire, on rollercoasters. “It can be used in the park, but if someone in your family is unable to go, they can play along from the comfort of their home,” Dyvkær explains.
Sommerland Sjælland is a safe and easy place to simply enjoy being together. There is a wide variety of food outlets, serving local produce and high-quality food, cabins to stay the night in and lots of staff on hand to help.
“We invite people home to us, and we want them to have a good time. There’s a fantastic atmosphere in the park as people are able to relax and create wonderful memories with their families,” Dyvkær concludes.
Web: Facebook: sommerlandsj Instagram: @sommerlandsj
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