Sweden’s Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven: Countries at the forefront will be the winners
By Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden

Dear Reader,
Last year, 2015, was a key year for global efforts. When we look back at what we have achieved since the Millennium Development Goals were adopted in 2000, we are reminded of what we are capable of doing. We have more than halved extreme poverty in the world. More children than ever before attend school. We have reduced maternal mortality, and millions of people have gained access to clean water.
With these achievements in hand, world leaders gathered at the United Nations in September to adopt a new agenda for development. We have committed to 17 new global goals to achieve three extraordinary things in the next 15 years: end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and combat climate change.
In December we reached a historic international agreement to keep global warming well below two degrees Celsius and endeavour to limit it even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. I have set an ambitious goal for Sweden: we will be one of the first fossil-free welfare nations in the world. This is not only a matter of climate altruism – it is also in our best economic interest. I want to see Swedish companies develop the new emission-reducing products and innovations that the world is asking for. This will create jobs and export revenues. I am convinced that the countries and companies at the forefront will be the winners.
If 2015 was the year we set bold global goals, 2016 will be the year we take decisive action.
Stefan Löfven
Prime Minister of Sweden
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