Swedish Trade: where quality and liberty takes the lead
By Karin Johansson, CEO, Svensk Handel – the Swedish Trade Federation, www.svenskhandel.se

Photo: Nicho Söderling/ imagebank.sweden.se
Svensk Handel – Swedish Trade Federation – is the employers’ association serving the entire trade and commerce sector. We represent commercial enterprises on issues concerning employment and economic policy. Svensk Handel is tasked with creating the best trading conditions for commercial enterprises both large and small. We act to improve conditions in the industry by maintaining industrial peace, by lobbying decision makers and formers of opinion, by contributing towards reduced costs for member companies and by providing legal advice and services.
We unite more than 13,000 member companies with around 300,000 employees, active across various branches of retail and wholesale trade. In addition to large member companies such as IKEA, H&M and ICA we also count among our roster small and mid-sized enterprises, and chains such as Intersport, Stadium and Lindex. Today, the industry employs approximately half a million people, and turns over SEK 600 billion annually – more than one-tenth of Sweden’s GDP. Commerce is unquestionably a sector with considerable significance for the national economy.
Going on vacation? Shopping tourism today generates SEK 80 billion of retail trade, and interest in Sweden as a tourist destination continues to grow. Svensk Handel has teamed up with a number of its partners in the tourist industry to develop 20 new Swedish tourist destinations by the year 2020.
Svensk Handel acts for a world with free trade and no barriers. We also seek to highlight the significance of imports, ease the regulatory burden on companies and increase state investment in training and research. Moreover, we strive to reduce card and cash processing charges.
Every commercial enterprise is welcome to become a member of Svensk Handel. Our members benefit from a wide range of support and services to help them in their daily business. They also gain access to a broad suite of membership benefits, including insurance, reduced card processing charges and support in the event of legal disputes.
Karin Johansson, CEO, Svensk Handel – Swedish Trade Federation
Karin Johansson, CEO, Svensk Handel – the Swedish Trade Federation
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