A couple of weeks ago, I was part of an international panel of beer judges at the finals of the World Beer Awards 2024. We had a fabulous few days in Norwich in the UK, tasting and discussing some of the world’s best beers. Winners were announced on the last day; some from Germany and Belgium, some from further afield, including Brazil and Japan. But where were the beers from Scandinavia?

Winners of the World’s Best Beers were divided into ten overall categories and, as expected, some classic breweries won. For instance, Weihenstephaner from Germany won World’s Best Wheat Beer for Hefeweissbier Dunkel. And no one was surprised when Boon from Belgium won World’s Best Sour & Wild Beer for Boon Millésime – Oude. However, there were some surprises too. The World’s Best IPA comes from…Japan! Indeed, Myoko Kogen Alpen Blick Beer won the title with its Haneuma IPA. And the World’s Best Dark Beer is from…Cambodia. The brewery Dragon earned the prestigious award with its Premium Dark Beer.

Apart from the ten World’s Best Beers, there were a number of style winners too, or sub-categories if you will. Again, Brazil and Japan scooped up a number of honours here, as did China, Taiwan and Lebanon. Plus, of course, classic beer nations such as Germany, Belgium and the UK were highlighted. But where was Scandinavia in all this, you might wonder?

So did I. Until Lapland Original Lager, brewed with a decades-old recipe by Tornion Panimo, was named World’s Best International Lager. A big congratulations, well done! But for Scandinavia, I’m afraid that was it. Probably, this is because Scandinavian breweries simply don’t enter their beers into the competition. Because I know for sure that there are many more outstanding beers brewed here.

So, I would encourage Scandinavian breweries to submit their beers for next year’s World Beer Awards, or any other big competition for that matter, as it’s a fantastic opportunity to get the beers judged by professional judges, get some feedback on what can be improved, and perhaps even win some awards. Brewers in Scandinavia, don’t be shy – join the beer awards community!

Malin Normanhttps://tp.media/click?shmarker=510460&promo_id=2060&source_type=banner&type=click&campaign_id=84&trs=289294

For a list of all winners in the World Beer Awards 2024: www.worldbeerawards.com/winner-Beer/beer/2024/taste

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