Safely tucked under magical Northern lights and in the mountainous landscape of Tromsø, Norway, there’s a museum that welcomes you to get to know one of the most famous, yet mysterious creatures of Scandinavian folklore – the troll.

A staple in Scandinavian folklore, you have undoubtedly heard of the troll. In the Norwegian tradition, they are less singing and dancing cartoon characters with colourful hair, and more large, mossy creatures with crooked noses and an appetite for children and adults alike. Still, despite their scary appearance and insatiable hunger, trolls are beloved creatures in Norway. Not only will you find statues of them all over the country, but in Tromsø, there is also a museum dedicated to them.

Troll Museum: Get lost in Scandinavian folklore and fairytales with Troll Museum!

The Troll Museum is the first museum in the world to focus on trolls, Norwegian fairytales, and Scandinavian folklore,” says Ekaterina Trunova, founder of the museum. Through a combination of storytelling, art, and technology, the museum presents the history of the creature and its development throughout folklore and fairytales.

Troll Museum: Get lost in Scandinavian folklore and fairytales with Troll Museum!

“As we do our best to preserve Norwegian and Scandinavian traditional folklore, we understand that this has to be done through modern means. This is why we combine the use of modern technology, such as augmented reality (AR) and traditional storytelling, in order to bring the trolls to life. It’s a fun and unique experience for people of all ages and backgrounds,” says Trunova.

Troll Museum: Get lost in Scandinavian folklore and fairytales with Troll Museum!

Troll Museum: Get lost in Scandinavian folklore and fairytales with Troll Museum!

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