Naturlogi: Tranquil space to breathe, deep in Nordic nature
By Nina Bressler | Photos: Fotograf Engström

A place embedded in nature.
Naturlogi is the ideal space for anyone who needs a relaxing stay; away from all the noise and commotion of everyday life. The small resort is located in the Swedish county Östergötland and provides comfortable, beautiful stays in small cottages encircled by deep forest, rolling landscapes and serene relaxation.
Naturlogi was founded by sisters Josefine Espenkrona and Linnéa Salbark, who wanted to make the most of the forest on their farm. “We wanted to run a sustainable business where we could allow the forest to continue growing for future generations, and to share that extraordinary calm that comes with it. The forest is right on the doorstep and we provide a premium and uncluttered nature experience. That’s why we’ve kept the cottages fairly small, but equipped them with all necessary comforts,” says Josefine Espenkrona. Four modes of accommodation are available, ranging from Lyan, a comfortable windbreaker for those who want to try outdoor sleeping, and the small hut Vistet with a double bed, to their forest suite with a heated outdoor bathtub. All rooms feature a private fireplace where prepared food packages can be cooked over the open flames – a fun and engaging culinary activity.

Comfortable stays in the midst of the forest.
“We strive to keep everything as local and connected to our surroundings as possible. The food is locally sourced, the lamb comes from our own farm, the vegetables come from farmers in the area, the bread comes from a baker nearby. All activities foster a sense of connection to the present and help to detach from everyday stresses,” says Espenkrona.

Stay in comfort.
There are plenty of fantastic natural trails on the doorstep and natural reserves a short drive away. For those who wish to deepen the connection even further, a certified guide in nature bathing can help to open up all your senses to the tranquillity of the surrounding nature according to the old Japanese tradition Shinrin-Yoku. If you’re looking for a way to get back to basics in comfort, Naturlogi might well be the answer for you.

Naturlogi provides a space for calm.
Web: Instagram: @naturlogi
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